Beyond the Hype: Automated Vehicles, Smart Cities and the Future of Urban Infrastructures

November 7, 2018 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Health, Nursing and Environmental Studies Building, Room 140
4700 Keele St
North York, ON M3J 3T8
Luisa Sotomayor
Beyond the Hype: Automated Vehicles, Smart Cities and the Future of Urban Infrastructures @ Health, Nursing and Environmental Studies Building, Room 140  | Toronto | Ontario | Canada

Beyond the Hype: Automated Vehicles, Smart Cities and the Future of Urban Infrastructures

Smart Cities are an emerging area of interest for not only public administrators, but also researchers from a variety of disciplines, such as Science and Technology Studies, Law, Philosophy, Political Science, Urban Studies, and Engineering.  Austin Zwick will be presenting on Infrastructure Canada's Smart City Challenge, overviewing how different Canadian cities are implementing technology to achieve a variety of policy objectives. Zachary Spicer will be presenting on the Quayside / Sidewalk Labs project, proposing a novel methodological framework for properly analyzing issues of economic development that captures the rising relative importance of data and intellectual property.  Nicole Goodman will be presenting on how Smart Cities may have an impact on the quality of life for residents. Drawing on work carried out as part of the Creating Digital Opportunity Project, Nicole’s talk explores survey data that provide a snapshot of residents' attitudes toward smart cities.


Austin Zwick is an Assistant Teaching Professor at the Maxwell School of Public Affairs and Citizenship at Syracuse University. He investigates local economic development impacts from technological change.

Zachary Spicer is an associate at the Innovation Policy Lab and a Lecturer in The University of Western Ontario's Local Government program. His research focuses on the technology and innovation policy and politics in cities.

Nicole Goodman is an Assistant Professor of political science at Brock University and Director for the Centre for e-Democracy. Her work examines the impacts of technology on political institutions and actors. She also serves as Canada's Board Adviser for International IDEA.


Refreshments (light dinner).